Source code for vaayu.nalu.mesh.exocdf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Nalu Exodus NetCDF Interface

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np

[docs]def nc_convert_names(names_arr): """Utility function to convert byte chars to strings. Args: names_arr (np.ndarry): Numpy string array from NetCDF Returns: list: A list of strings corresponding to the names """ return [nc.chartostring(x).item().decode() for x in names_arr]
side_set_node_map = dict( HEX = { 1 : [0, 1, 5, 4], 2 : [1, 2, 6, 5], 3 : [2, 3, 7, 6], 4 : [0, 4, 7, 3], 5 : [0, 3, 2, 1], 6 : [4, 5, 6, 7] }, TETRA = { 1 : [0, 1, 3], 2 : [1, 2, 3], 3 : [0, 2, 3], 4 : [0, 1, 2], }, WEDGE = { 1 : [0, 1, 3, 4], 2 : [1, 2, 4, 5], 3 : [0, 2, 3, 5], 4 : [0, 1, 2], 5 : [3, 4, 5], }, QUAD4 = { 1 : [0, 1], 2 : [1, 2], 3 : [2, 3], 4 : [3, 0], } )
[docs]class ExodusCDF(object): """Nalu Exodus NetCDF Interface Interact with a Nalu Exodus-II mesh or results file using the netcdf4 library. Attributes: num_blocks (int): Number of blocks present in the file num_side_sets (int): Number of side sets present in the file blocks (list): Names of the mesh blocks present in the file side_sets (list): Names of the side sets present in the file elem_conn_map (dict): A mapping from block names to element ID used to extract connectivity data """ def __init__(self, filename): """ Args: filename (path): Path to the exodus file """ #: string: Filename that is being processed self.filename = filename #: Dataset: NetCDF msh database object self.msh = nc.Dataset(filename, 'r') #: int: Dimensionality of the mesh self.ndim = self.msh.dimensions["num_dim"].size #: int: Total number of elements in the mesh self.nelems = self.msh.dimensions["num_elem"].size #: int: Total number of nodes in the mesh self.nnodes = self.msh.dimensions["num_nodes"].size self._process_eb_names() self._process_ss_names() def _process_eb_names(self): """Process element block names""" mvars = self.msh.variables mdims = self.msh.dimensions if "eb_names" in mvars: self.blocks = [x.lower() for x in nc_convert_names( mvars["eb_names"][:])] elif 'num_el_blk' in mdims: nblk = mdims['num_el_blk'].size self.blocks = ["block-%d"%(d+1) for d in range(nblk)] else: self.blocks = [] self.elem_conn_map = dict( (eb, (i+1)) for i, eb in enumerate(self.blocks)) num_blks = len(self.blocks) self.numel_blk = np.array( [self.msh.dimensions["num_el_in_blk%d"%(i+1)].size for i in range(num_blks)]) self.el_start_idx = np.zeros(num_blks) for i in range(1, num_blks): self.el_start_idx[i] = ( self.numel_blk[i-1] + self.el_start_idx[i-1]) self.num_blocks = num_blks def _process_ss_names(self): """Process element block names""" mvars = self.msh.variables mdims = self.msh.dimensions tmp = mdims.get("num_side_sets", None) nssets = tmp.size if tmp else 0 if nssets > 0: ssnames = [x.lower() for x in nc_convert_names(mvars["ss_names"][:])] if not ssnames[0]: self.side_sets = ["surface-%d"%(d+1) for d in range(nssets)] else: self.side_sets = ssnames else: self.side_sets = [] self.sset_map = dict( (eb, i+1) for i, eb in enumerate(self.side_sets)) self.num_side_sets = mdims["num_side_sets"].size
[docs] def xco(self, mask=None): """Return the x coordinates of the mesh""" mvars = self.msh.variables if not "coordx" in mvars: raise KeyError( "No x coordinate field found in mesh: %s"% self.filename) if not hasattr(self, "_xco"): self._xco = self.msh.variables["coordx"][:] if mask is None: return self._xco return self._xco[mask]
[docs] def yco(self, mask=None): """Return the y coordinates of the mesh""" mvars = self.msh.variables if not "coordy" in mvars: raise KeyError( "No y coordinate field found in mesh: %s"% self.filename) if not hasattr(self, "_yco"): self._yco = self.msh.variables["coordy"][:] if mask is None: return self._yco return self._yco[mask]
[docs] def zco(self, mask=None): """Return the z coordinates of the mesh""" mvars = self.msh.variables if not "coordz" in mvars: raise KeyError( "No z coordinate field found in mesh: %s"% self.filename) if not hasattr(self, "_zco"): self._zco = self.msh.variables["coordz"][:] if mask is None: return self._zco return self._zco[mask]
[docs] def coords(self, mask=None): """Return the numpy array of the mesh coordinates""" ndim = self.msh.dimensions["num_dim"].size xco = self.xco(mask) yco = self.yco(mask) if ndim == 3: zco = self.zco(mask) return np.column_stack((xco, yco, zco)) else: return np.column_stack((xco, yco))
[docs] def elem_nodes(self, blk_name, flatten=True): """Element Node ID mapping for a given block If ``flatten`` is True, then the method returns a one dimensional numpy array containing the unique set of node IDs corresponding to this mesh block. If False, then it returns a 2-D list where the inner array contains the list of nodes for each element. The shape of the 2-D array is (num_elems, num_nodes_per_elem). Args: blk_name (str): Block name flatten (bool): Unique IDs or element connetivity map. Returns: np.ndarray: A 1-D or 2-D array depending on flatten flag. """ bname = blk_name.lower() if not bname in self.blocks: raise KeyError("No block name found in mesh: %s"%blk_name) conn_name = "connect%d"%self.elem_conn_map[bname] elem_ids = self.msh.variables[conn_name][:]-1 return (np.unique(elem_ids.flatten()) if flatten else elem_ids)
[docs] def ss_nodes(self, ss_name, flatten=True): """Node IDs for a given side set If ``flatten`` is True, then the method returns a one dimensional numpy array containing the unique set of node IDs corresponding to this mesh side set. If False, then it returns a 2-D list where the inner array contains the list of nodes for each element. The shape of the 2-D array is (num_elems, num_nodes_per_elem). Args: blk_name (str): Block name flatten (bool): Unique IDs or element connectivity map. Returns: np.ndarray: A 1-D or 2-D array depending on flatten flag. """ mvars = self.msh.variables sname = ss_name.lower() if not sname in self.side_sets: raise KeyError("No side set name found in mesh: %s"%ss_name) ssid = self.sset_map[sname] sselemvar = "elem_ss%d"%ssid sssidevar = "side_ss%d"%ssid side_ids = mvars[sssidevar][:] assert np.max(side_ids) == np.min(side_ids), ( "Varying side IDs not supported yet.") elem_ids = mvars[sselemvar][:] min_eid = np.min(elem_ids) blk_id = np.searchsorted(self.el_start_idx, min_eid) conn_ids = mvars["connect%d"%blk_id] topo = conn_ids.elem_type side_nids = side_set_node_map[topo][side_ids[0]] offset = 1 if blk_id == 1 else self.numel_blk[blk_id - 1] ss_nodes = conn_ids[:][np.ix_(elem_ids-offset, side_nids)] - 1 return (np.unique(ss_nodes.flatten()) if flatten else ss_nodes)